
WoolWork is the new name for KnitBritish Join me on my journey of woolly discovery celebrating the unique characteristics of local wool, from sheep to skein, to finished object. You can visit woolwork.net and follow me on twitter and IG @_woolwork

episode 98 Charles Dickens has a lot to answer for


Full shownotes with links are at the KnitBritish website.

This episode is our last one before Christmas and so you can guarantee there will be ballet dancing sheep.

There are also small gestures, a review of New Leaf Yarns Alpaca, BFL and Teeswater, news of the BlackerPodKAL and much more.

Check out @Knit_British on instagram and twitter (though I'm taking a twitter break) and join the KnitBritish Ravelry group.





Filetype: MP3 - Size: 30.81MB - Duration: 33:39 m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)